Adam LeBor: The Geneva Option

The Geneva Option

Author: Adam LeBor
Number of Pages: 361 pages
Published Date: 25 Mar 2013
Publisher: Telegram Books
Publication Country: London, United Kingdom
Language: English
ISBN: 9781846591556
Download Link: Click Here

Yael Azoulay does the United Nations' dirty work. From the caves of Afghanistan and the slums of Baghdad to the world's corporate boardrooms, Yael's job is to broker the secret deals that grease the wheels of superpower diplomacy and big business. When a suspicious death at the UN headquarters in Manhattan is covered up, Yael decides that the ends no longer justify the means and she goes rogue. Events quickly spiral out of control as Yael is forced on the run in the streets of New York and Geneva. Hunted by the world's intelligence and law enforcement agencies, Yael must ultimately learn that salvation means not just saving other's lives but slaying her own inner demons. A gripping journey through the secret corridors of power.